Friday, April 8, 2011


I thought I was immune to it. I was wrong. I mean, I had not caught it for more than ten years now...since i moved to USA. Back in India, I used to fall prey to it frequently, missing many a school, college and work days. My mom used to go crazy when my dad, my brother and I all caught it at the same time. She was immune to it. Still is. It won't touch her.
This time, it was obvious from many friends' status updates that they had caught it early on. Phone calls to home and cousins in India made it clear that it was already rampant there. You couldn't catch it over the internet or phone...could you?
But then, co-workers started showing symptoms too. Well, how much damage could they do? After all, I only work part-time.
I am pretty sure I caught it from my brother and his wife who came home on a weekend visit. I knew the minute they stepped into the house that they both had a full blown case of it. It was waking up my brother in the middle on the night. Hubby had apparently tried to mask his symptoms all this while.
But by mid-week of spring break, even I could not keep it under wraps. I had the fever - the cricket fever! All symptoms came back flaring right on time for the India - Pakistan show down and the finals. My daughters were annoyed that mom and dad were hogging the computer and the TV. They were dumb struck at their parents high fiving and dancing around in circles in the family room. They can't believe that we watch highlights after highlights after highlights of the same matches.
It's been an awesome feeling catching the cricket fever all over again. Guess this time around, what with the IPL and all, it is going to last a while. I just hope it lasts long enough for my daughters to catch it too...


Anonymous said...

the part where she said the children were annoyed, we were REALLY

Mohamed said...

This is a really good one! Agree this fever is really contagious. Viewing just one match between India and Pakistan, my 7 year old born in the states, a true 'Peter' in all sense has got the FEVER!! He has started drawing sketches of cricket stars, bat and ball and should admit knows more players in cricket than I ever knew!!